What Programming Language Should I Learn to Make Mobile Apps

What are Computer Programming Languages?

Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. Just as many human-based languages exist, there are an array of computer programming languages that programmers can use to communicate with a computer. The portion of the language that a computer can understand is called a "binary." Translating programming language into binary is known as "compiling." Each language, from C Language to Python, has its own distinct features, though many times there are commonalities between programming languages.

These languages allow computers to quickly and efficiently process large and complex swaths of information. For example, if a person is given a list of randomized numbers ranging from one to ten thousand and is asked to place them in ascending order, chances are that it will take a sizable amount of time and include some errors.

There are dozens of programming languages used in the industry today. We've compiled overviews of the 12 most important, relevant and in-demand of these languages below.

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Python is an advanced programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented and built on flexible and robust semantics.

Who uses it?

Professions and Industries:

Python developers, software engineers, back end developers, Python programmers

Used by employers in information technology, engineering, professional services and design

Major Organizations:
Google, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, DropBox, NASA, ESRI
Specializations and Industries:
Web and Internet development (frameworks, micro-frameworks and advanced content management systems); scientific and numeric computing; desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

What makes learning it important?

Python lets you work quickly to integrate systems as a scripting or glue language. It's also suited for Rapid Application Develop (RAD).

  • The game Civilization 4 has all its inner logic, including AI, implemented in Python.
  • NASA uses Python in its Integrated Planning System as a standard scripting language.
  • Features:
    • Simple to learn and easily read
    • Associated web frameworks for developing web-based applications
    • Free interpreter and standard library available in source or binary on major platforms

Where did it start?

Python was developed in the late 1980s at CWI in the Netherlands and first released to the public in 1991.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Python community
  • Devshed Network (Python Programming Forum)

Best Python Bootcamps Try it out! Create a dice-rolling simulator at Knightlab.


Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented, high-level programming language with several features that make it ideal for web-based development.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • Software engineers, Java developers
    • Used by employers in communications, education, finance, health sciences, hospitality, retail and utilities
  • Major Organizations: V2COM, Eclipse Information Technologies, eBay, Eurotech
  • Specializations and Industries: Internet of Things (IoT), Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Computing

What makes learning it important?

Java is used to develop enterprise-level applications for video games and mobile apps, as well as to create web-based applications with JSP (Java Server Pages). When used online, Java allows applets to be downloaded and used through a browser, which can then perform a function not normally available.

  • Programs that use or are written in Java include Adobe Creative Suite, Eclipse, Lotus Notes, Minecraft and OpenOffice.
  • Java is the core foundation for developing Android apps.
  • Features:
    • Application portability
    • Robust and interpreted language
    • Extensive network library

Where did it start?

Originally known as Oak, Java was developed in 1990 at Sun Microsystems to add capabilities to the C++ language. Java was developed according to the principle of WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere). The language was introduced to the public in 1995 and is now owned by Oracle.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Java Community Space Forum

Try it out! Create a city classified and search application or choose another project through Javapoint.

Ruby/Ruby on Rails

Ruby is an open-sourced, object-oriented scripting language that can be used independently or as part of the Ruby on Rails web framework.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • Ruby on Rails developers, software engineers, data science engineers
    • Used by employers in technology, engineering, professional services, design, science and quality control
  • Major Organizations: Github, Scribd, Groupon, NASA Langley Research Center, Blue Sequence (part of Toyota Motor Manufacturing), Motorola, Google (SketchUp)
  • Specializations and Industries: Web App Development, Robotics, Networking, System Administration and Security

What makes learning it important?

Ruby is used for simulations, 3D modeling, and to manage and track information.

  • Basecamp, Amazon, Twitter and Groupon were all created using Ruby on Rails.
  • NASA uses Ruby to conduct simulations.
  • Features:
    • Free to use, copy, modify and distribute
    • Intuitive and flexible language
    • Completely object-oriented (ability to use method chaining)

Where did it start?

Designed in 1995, Ruby's creator described it as "simple in appearance, but it is very complex inside, just like our human body."


  • Stack Overflow
  • Ruby User Groups
  • Ruby Forum

Try it out! Experience Ruby at Codecademy.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages; it ensures proper formatting of text and images (using tags) so that Internet browsers can display them in the ways they were intended to look.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • Web developers, technical editors, email designers, software engineers
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Professional Services, Management, Marketing, Customer Services and Sales
  • Major Organizations: Apple, CyberCoders, Apex Systems, CareerBuilder
  • Specializations and Industries Where HTML is Used Most: Web Development, Email Programming

What makes learning it important?

HTML is used to create electronic documents (pages) displayed online. Visit any page and you will see an example of HTML in action.

  • The diversity and complexity in the structure and appearance of today's sites is made possible with HTML.
  • Features:
    • Easy to use and learn the basics of HTML
    • Free and accessible
    • Multiple versions available

Where did it start?

HTML was created by physicist Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 to allow scientists to share documents online. Before then, all communication was sent using plain text. HTML made "rich" text possible (i.e. text formatting and visual images).


  • Stack Overflow
  • HTMLforum.com

Try it out! Write a recipe using HTML or pick another project at Coder Projects.


JavaScript is a client-side programming language that runs inside a client browser and processes commands on a computer rather than a server. It is commonly placed into an HTML or ASP file. Despite its name, JavaScript is not related to Java.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • JavaScript developers, Web developers, software engineers
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Marketing, Finance and Healthcare
  • Major Organizations: WordPress, Soundcloud, Khan Academy, Linkedin, Groupon, Yahoo and many others
  • Specializations and Industries Where JavaScript is Used Most: Front End Website Development, Gaming Development

What makes learning it important?

JavaScript is used primarily in Web development to manipulate various page elements and make them more dynamic, including scrolling abilities, printing the time and date, creating a calendar and other tasks not possible through plain HTML. It can also be used to create games and APIs.

  • The agency Cyber-Duck in Britain uses public APIs, created with JavaScript, to pull in data about crime and enables users to review a local area.
  • Tweetmap, created by Pete Smart and Rob Hawkes using JavaScript, represents a world map that is proportionally sized according to the number of tweets.
  • Features:
    • Basic features are easy to learn
    • Multiple frameworks
    • Users can reference JQuery, a comprehensive Javascript library

Where did it start?

JavaScript was designed by Netscape and originally known as LiveScript, before becoming JavaScript in 1995.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Javascript on Reddit
  • CodingForums.com

Try it out! Make a simple website with an image gallery or image slider at HTML-TUTS.

C Language

C Language is a structure-oriented, middle-level programming language mostly used to develop low-level applications.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • Software developers, computer engineers, business and systems analysts, IT and Web content administrators, embedded software engineers
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Management, Healthcare and Professional Services
  • Major Organizations: Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, Cisco, Raytheon
  • Specializations and Industries Where C Language is Used Most: Embedded Systems, Systems Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Automation, Computer Graphics, Space Research, Image Processing and Game Programming

What makes learning it important?

C Language is used to develop systems applications that are integrated into operating systems such as Windows, UNIX and Linux, as well as embedded softwares. Applications include graphics packages, word processors, spreadsheets, operating system development, database systems, compilers and assemblers, network drivers and interpreters.

  • Facebook's TAO systems is programmed mostly using C language.
  • Most device drivers are still developed using C Language.
  • Features:
    • Simple to learn; there are only 32 keywords to master
    • Easy to write systems programs such as compilers and interpreters
    • Foundational language for beginners

Where did it start?

The C Language was developed in 1972 at Bell Labs specifically for implementing the UNIX system. It eventually gave rise to many advanced programming languages, including C++, Java C#, JavaScript and Pearl.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Cprogramming.com
  • Go4Expert

Try it out! Create a tic-tac-toe game using open source code.


C++ is a general purpose, object-oriented, middle-level programming language and is an extension of C language, which makes it possible to code C++ in a "C style". In some situations, coding can be done in either format, making C++ an example of a hybrid language.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • C++ software engineers, C++ software developers, embedded engineers, programmer analysts
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Professional Services, Design, Quality Control and Management
  • Major Company and Organization Users: Google, Mozilla, Firefox, Winamp, Adobe Software, Amazon, Lockheed Martin
  • Specializations: System/Application Software, Drivers, Client-Server Applications, Embedded Firmware

What makes learning it important?

The C++ language is used to create computer programs and packaged software, such as games, office applications, graphics and video editors and operating systems.

  • The Blackberry OS is developed using C++.
  • The newest Microsoft Office suite was developed using C++.
  • Features:
    • Often the first programming language taught at college level
    • Quick processing and compilation mechanism
    • Robust standard library (STL)

Where did it start?

Released in 1983 and often considered an object-oriented version of C language, C++ was created to compile lean, efficient code, while providing high-level abstractions to better manage large development projects.


  • Stack Overflow
  • CPlusPlus
  • CodeGuru

Try it out! Create a student database or other similar system through Code in code::blocks.


Pronounced C-sharp (not C-hashtag), C# is a multi-paradigm programming language that features strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented and component-oriented disciplines.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • C# developers, automation test engineers, software engineers, senior .net Web developers
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Professional Services, Management and Quality Control
  • Major Organizations: Microsoft Intel, Hewlett Packard
  • Specializations: Windows-based platforms

What makes learning it important?

C# helps developers create XML web services and Microsoft .NET-connected applications for Windows operating systems and the internet.

  • Used to develop a wide range of software applications that accompany Visual Studio IDE.
  • The only language used by the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
  • Features:
    • Similar to Java in capabilities
    • Ideal for beginners
    • The go-to for working on Microsoft apps

Where did it start?

C# was developed in 2000 as part of Microsoft's release of .NET framework; in 2003 it became an ISO standard. C# was based off of C, C++, and Java languages.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Code Project
  • Dream.In.Code

Try it out! Microsoft Virtual Academy offers a free, extensive course in C# fundamentals.


Objective-C is a simple, general-purpose and object-oriented language. It uses a system of message passing borrowed from the language Smalltalk; when an object in Objective-C is sent a message, it can choose to ignore or forward to another object, rather than return a value.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • IT and Web content administrators, iOS and Android mobile developers, software engineers
    • Used by employers in Information Technology, Engineering, Management, Healthcare and Design
  • Major Organizations: Apple, CyberCoders
  • Specializations: Software development

What makes learning it important?

Objective-C is primarily used by developers to create apps for iOS and OS X.

  • From everything to Twitter and Facebook to Wells Fargo and Mint, objective-C is the most commonly used language to write programs for apple products.
  • Features
    • Increased flexibility with dynamic typing
    • Often used alongside a framework such as Cocoa or Cocoa Touch
    • Great first language for beginning programmers

Where did it start?

Objective-C was developed at Apple in 1983 to address deficiencies (specifically lack of object-orientation) in C language. It was licensed by NeXT in 1988.


  • Stack Overflow
  • ClassroomM
  • CodeProject

Try it out! Build a simple iPhone App with an open source tutorial at Coding Ground.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

PHP is an open-source scripting language designed for creating dynamic web pages that effectively work with databases. It is also used as a general-purpose programming language.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • PHP developers, PHP software engineers
    • Used across industries, to include Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Professional Services, Healthcare, Management and Finance
  • Major Organizations: Facebook, Yahoo, CyberCoders, NextGen
  • Specializations Where PHP is Used Most: Web Application Development, Server-Side Scripting, Command Line Scripting

What makes learning it important?

PHP is primarily used alongside dynamic data-heavy websites to collect form data. It's also used in app development to generate dynamic page content.

  • PHP is part of the LAMP platform used by Facebook and Yahoo.
  • Platforms such as Joomla, WordPress and Drupal use the PHP language.
  • Features:
    • Easy to learn (as simple as embedding code inside HTML)
    • Free and opensource
    • Can be used on all major operating systems and web servers

Where did it start?

PHP was released in 1995 as a server-side scripting language, which is processed on a server to become a website in plain HTML.


  • Stack Overflow
  • PHP Freaks
  • PHP Builder

Try it out! Build a PHP/MySQL-powered forum using a free tutorial from Envato Tuts+.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is a database query language (not a development language) that allows for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is the language that allows programmers to perform the common acronym CRUD (Create; Read; Update; Delete) within a database.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • SQL server developers, database testers, software developers, database administrators
    • Used across industries like Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Management, Professional Servers, Business and Finance
  • Major Organizations: SQL is used by most companies and organizations that gather data. Examples include Robert Half Technology, Nigel Frank, CyberCoders and UnitedHealthCare.
  • Specializations Where SQL is Used Most: Data Analysis and Big Data Mining

What makes learning it important?

SQL interacts with the backend database of web application. It is the "de facto standard" database language, always used in conjunction with another programming language. SQL programs are implemented as a way for businesses and organizations to access and manipulate information stored in their databases.

  • Relational database management systems that use SQL include MySQL (by Oracle), Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server and others.
  • Features:
    • Simple syntax
    • Free and easily accessible

Where did it start?

SQL was developed at the IBM Research Center in 1974 and originally known as SEQUEL. The first commercial version was introduced in 1979 by ORACLE.


  • Stack Overflow
  • SQL Team
  • SQL Server Central

Try it out! Build a PHP/MySQL-powered forum using a free tutorial from Envato Tuts+.


Swift is Apple's newest open-source, multi-paradigm programming language for iOS and OS X apps. Swift integrates Objective-C's named parameters and object-oriented model, while including an advanced compiler, debugger and framework infrastructure.

Who uses it?

  • Professions and Industries:
    • Swift Platform Developers, iOS Mobile Application Developers, Software Developers, Senior Programmers, Data Engineers
    • Information Technology, Engineering, Design, Management and Professional Services
  • Major Organizations: Apple, Getty Images, Slack, Dow Jones, Playlist Media
  • Specializations Where Swift is Used Most: Software development

What makes learning it important?

Swift is primarily used by developers to create apps for iOS and OS X.

  • Dow Jones is rewriting sections of its mobile Wall Street Journal app using Swift.
  • Getty Images built its consumer-facing app, Stream, using Swift.
  • Features:
    • Supports 'playgrounds,' a feature that lets programmers experiment and see immediate results
    • Easy to understand syntax
    • Ideal for writing production-ready code

Where did it start?

Swift, which is based off of the Objective-C programming language, was introduced at Apple's 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). The newest version, Swift 2, was released as an open-source language in 2015.


  • Stack Overflow
  • Swift Language Google Groups

Try it out! Build a minesweeper app or choose another mini project at Make School.

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What Programming Language Should I Learn to Make Mobile Apps

Source: https://www.computerscience.org/resources/computer-programming-languages/

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